
Benzing Smarthub 5

Original price was: £475.00.Current price is: £395.00.

The Benzing Smarthub 5 connected in the loft gives the fancier instant information about his pigeon arrivals, performances and results. This addition to your existing G2 clock allows you to take part in “LIVE” races in any of the organisations you fly in, including the WSCC. This is a special price for members only. Complete with 2nd timing system to clock arrivals when clock is not in the loft. Suitable for the G2, M2 and M3 Benzing clocks.

WSCC Club Members Only

2 in stock

SKU: WSCC Members Special Category:


This product is only available to WSCC club members, please be aware that a fee will apply for any refunds that have to be processed in the event of an order from a non club member.

The Benzing Smarthub 5 incorporates a continuous 2nd timing clock which will clock the arrival of pigeons when the main clock is not connected in the loft or if fancier is at club. Sends instant notifications through the free “Benzing LIVE” App installed on the users mobile phone of any pigeon arrivals from training or races. Fanciers can view race results, pigeon performances and access many of the other great features on their cloud account at “My Pigeons”.

With the recent addition of Bluetooth to the Smarthub it is now possible to monitor the temperature and humidity in the loft with the addition of the Benzing Bluetooth sensors. The Smarthub comes with a GPS antenna for accurate loft location and displaying the loft on Google Maps.


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